DeMott Auction specializes in on-site, complete or partial liquidations. Over the past 30 years, we have earned a reputation for being fair, efficient and have a proven track record for delivering premium returns to our clients. Our auctions provide you with an effective, efficient and timely means for selling your real estate, farm and construction equipment or business liquidation. Give us a call today to find out how we can help you turn your assets into cash!
When you’ve found the perfect piece of equipment with DeMott Machinery and are ready to place your bid, let Tractor Zoom help you compare interest rates from the industry’s leading lenders and estimate your payment.Estimate Payments
With over 11,000 new pieces of equipment added each week, don't miss out on equipment added at dealerships in your surrounding area.See Dealerships in Georgia
Tractor Zoom is connecting farm equipment sellers and buyers faster than ever before. Finding farm equipment at auction or at a dealership has never been so easy.