Completed auctions from Hamilton-Maring Auction Group
Thu. Jul 25, 2024
John Attig Farm Machinery Estate Auction
Sat. Jul 30, 2022
About Hamilton-Maring Auction Group
Hamilton Auction is headquartered in Dexter Minnesota and has been serving southern Minnesota and Northern Iowa area for over 50 years. This multi-generational business has countless experiences handling other peoples assets during times of transition which has taught us volumes, earned us respect from numerous industry peers and organizations along with building a large portfolio of satisfied sellers and buyers.
We specialize in converting your agricultural land, farm, construction assets to working or bankable capital. Whether you have land or equipment to sell, you’ll have our promise of commitment and attention to detail. Wide area promotions, solid equipment and land knowledge coupled with our ability to bring seller and buyer together, makes Hamilton Auction Company your auction or land sale solution. Contact us today, as we have a plan tailor made for you.
When you’ve found the perfect piece of equipment with Hamilton-Maring Auction Group and are ready to place your bid, let Tractor Zoom help you compare interest rates from the industry’s leading lenders and estimate your payment.
Tractor Zoom is connecting farm equipment sellers and buyers faster than ever before. Finding farm equipment at auction or at a dealership has never been so easy.